ENGAGE Parent and Student FAQ:


Q: Does my student need to be enrolled as a student at UNT to be eligible to participate in ENGAGE services?

A: Yes! ENGAGE is a campus-based program and requires students to be admitted into the university prior to applying for ENGAGE.


Q: Who do I contact if I have any questions regarding the program or resources?

A: The ENGAGE office is open from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday through Friday. We can be contacted within that timeframe via phone at (940) 565-4000 or through engage@unt.edu.


Q: How many classes does my student need to be enrolled in to participate in ENGAGE services?

A: As per ENGAGE policy, a student needs to be enrolled in a minimum of one course, however, if a student is referred to us through Texas Workforce Commission (most, if not all are), the counselor may have a minimum requirement of 12 credit hours but this is up to the discretion of each individual counselor.


Q: Does my student have to live on campus if they want to be in ENGAGE?

A: No! There is a mixture of our current cohort of on-campus, right off-campus, and commuter living.


Q:What are my payment options?

A: Individuals may be sponsored through Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services or private pay.


Q: Where are you located?

A: We are located at 410 Avenue C, Chilton Hall, Suite 122. We have a sign on our door that says “UNT WISE ENGAGE”.


Q: Do I have to make an appointment to come see the office?

A: While we don’t mind meeting with you if you enter our office, we may or may not be available for a tour as we meet regularly with our students, attend training, work with our Hourly Student employees, and support intern/practicum students.  To ensure there is a time for you to meet with one of our staff members, it’s best if you send us an email at engage@unt.edu to set up a time to meet.


Q: I am basing where my student goes to college on their admission into ENGAGE or like programs at other colleges and want to know the process for admissions.

A: Our application is open once a year and we hold interviews when all admission materials have been submitted and after the closure of the admission process. After the interview, ENGAGE coordinators will review all eligible students and discuss if the student is the right fit. If they are and there is a spot open, they will receive an acceptance letter via email on the official WISE letterhead. Students may be admitted into the program but may be put on the wait list. When/if a spot becomes available during the semester, ENGAGE staff will email the student to see if they are still interested in joining ENGAGE and will be sent an acceptance letter on the official WISE letterhead if they are. For more information about this process, please visit the Admission Process tab.  


Q: My student is on the interest list right now. What other resources are available to students that are Neurodivergent on UNT’s campus?

A: Check out our “Student Resource list” tab for the next steps and resources.


Q: I turned in an FIE/ARD/Doctor report but I was told that I need to submit a psychological evaluation. Why don’t you accept these documents and how do I get a psychological evaluation scheduled?

A: ENGAGE works with students holistically and to be able to do this, we need updated (within the last three years) documentation. A psychological evaluation gives ENGAGE staff information to use in conjunction with other reports. We use all of this information together to educate our students on their disability for advocacy purposes and help prepare ourselves for how best to approach teaching our students, and how we communicate with them.


Q: Do you have Information Sessions still?

A: We do not have live Information Sessions anymore, however, you can click on our “information session” tab to view a recorded presentation.


Q: Why do your psychological evaluations need to be within three years?

A: Over time, students’ diagnoses may change and, because of this, we request that this information be recent. It is expected that if a student goes to a Psychologist to be re-evaluated or newly evaluated for something, the student update ENGAGE staff as soon as possible.


Q: My student does not speak in front of others they do not know and parents aren’t allowed in the student interviews. How do you manage interviews with students when the parents are not allowed in?

A: Our goal is to build rapport with any student that comes into our office through a calm and welcoming environment.  We recognize that we will not obtain the full picture of a student in one meeting, but we do learn good information and can start to form general ideas of motivational levels for a student to participate in services. We only use the information students give us as a guide to develop support plans.

If we receive consent from the student, parents can schedule a separate interview with the ENGAGE coordinators. Additional interviews would be considered as needed.


Q: Does a student admitted into ENGAGE need to re-apply every semester or year?

A: No. Students admitted into the ENGAGE program are enrolled until dismissed. They can be dismissed through self-selection or through disciplinary action.


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