EPIC Zumba

Join UNT EPIC for our Zumba night! The event will be on Tuesday, August 1st from 6- 7:30 pm at the UNT REC Center. This will involve dancing and moving if you would like join. While there are some sensory aspects to this event, you are always more than welcome to ask the music be turned down, or if you can step out of the room as well. This will be a fun and socially safe event! 

Please wear clothing that you can move around in and bring water.

Transportation will not be provided but we encourage you to car pool with others or use a ride share app such as GoZone if you need a ride.

Parking will be close to the Pohl rec center off of W Sycamore Street. This will need to be purchased on your own for this event.

Dinner and drinks will not be provided.


Sign-up is required and can be done so here- https://unt.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jph2cchrYrDx2e

The location is- 1900 Chestnut St, Denton, TX 76201


If you must cancel for any reason, we ask you to please contact us through email at UNTEPIC@unt.edu as soon as possible


Tuesday, August 1, 2023
UNT REC center-1900 Chestnut St, Denton, TX 76201
Neurodiversity Section: